Beethoven = Jazz?

Bishop stops ban on jazz in church

The Roman Catholic Bishop of Arundel and Brighton has intervened in the row over a Petworth Festival jazz concert held at a church in Duncton last Saturday.
Bishop Kieran Conry, who has just returned from a pilgrimage to Lourdes, said he had no intention of stopping the show going ahead, despite pleas from a Petworth parishioner, Christopher Savage, a worshipper at the parent church in Petworth, the Sacred Heart.
“There would be no difference between a Beethoven quartet and jazz. You cannot make a judgement on the style of the music,” the bishop said.

Bold part – discuss below.


  1. These are the kinds of comments that remind me that the bishops are truly the successors to the apostles — who were a bunch of blockheads.
    I have no objection to jazz at church, so long as it’s not for worship, but of course you can make a judgment on the style of music. There is such a thing as sacred music, and there is that evil stuff called rap.

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