Greetings from sunny Kuwait
So I’m sitting here in a cool, air-conditioned double-wide trailer, using a Dell workstation to type this. Quite a change from being in a combat zone, I can tell you. It’s almost a little too much — I even had pizza for lunch. A few weeks ago, I was happy to get my first shower in 37 days, and now I’m enjoying the higher creature comforts.
As you can probably tell, I am perfectly okay — other than a few bruises and scratches which have healed, I suffered no injuries whatsoever. I appreciate everyone’s prayers on my behalf, more than you can know, and I believe they were answered. When I get more time (probably when I get home), I will write about some of my experiences in Iraq and Kuwait, which hopefully will be of some interest.
My best to all of you, and please pray that I might return soon. We’re in kind of a holding pattern right now, and trying to get a firm date for when we’re going home. Among other things, I’d really like to meet Christopher Stephen Johnson, the son I’ve never met. I hear he’s eager to meet me, too.