
Admiral Al Sharpton has a reality show coming out. Before you find out what it’s about, think of the possiblities:
“How Many Donuts?” – Contestants guess how many donuts Al can eat. They drive him from store to store as each donut shop runs out of inventory.
“Sharpton Your Rhetoric” – Al coaches up-and-coming demagogues on the fine art of whipping the masses to a froth. One by one contestants are removed if they fail to incite riots, protests and sit-ins at City Hall. Contestants get extra points when more than 3 city blocks are destroyed by fire.
“Al Across the Globe” – Contestants travel with Al to exotic locales where they meet with local dictators, watch military parades and are filmed trashing the U.S.A. Every contestant that makes it back to the plane wins.
It turns out the show is about career counseling. I’m sleepy now.


  1. Don’t forget that in Sharpton’s reality show contestants would get points for getting mobs to kill Jewish shopkeepers while burning their shops down during riots. Remember Crown Heights? Al and friends don’t have much to say about that inconvenient crime.
    Apparently in Sharptonworld, killing is a crime when whites do it to blacks, but not when blacks do it to whites. Just ask OJ Simpson’s race-baiting lawyer Johnnie Cochran.

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