What does he want: IVF interruptus?

On one hand, this ruling means that more “leftover” embryos in in-vitro cases will be snuffed. On the other hand, if it could help people recognize that IVF is a bad thing in the first place, it isn’t a total loss.
Donum Vitae says:

The transmission of human life is entrusted by nature to a personal and conscious act and as such is subject to the all-holy laws of God: immutable and inviolable laws which must be recognized and observed. For this reason one cannot use means and follow methods which could be licit in the transmission of the life of plants and animals.”

So, buddy, as long as you don’t put any embryos on deposit at the IVF bank, you can be sure your ex-wife isn’t going to surprise you by taking ’em out.

Categorized as Pro-Life

Let’s read David Frum’s email together

One of Mr. Frum’s readers sent him a very interesting email about the “problem” of the intelligence failure. Some hightlights:

…the intelligence community must naturally err on the side of pessimism and alarmism. The cardinal rule in military intelligence is to estimate the worst your enemy could possibly do, not what he probably is willing to do, or could economically do, or is likely to do. Worst-case analysis is the rule of the day. How could it be otherwise?
“I mean, here people are simultaneously saying 9/11 should have been anticipated, which would have required making seriously worst-case analyses about the threat posed by various low-level riff-raff, while at the same time making worst-case (instead of probable-case) analyses of the threat of Saddam Hussein was ‘irresponsible.’ Well, which is it? Which rule should the spooks follow?

Categorized as Politics

I’m a “deserter,” Part II

A follow up to my post about President Bush being a “deserter”:
I need to wear my dress uniform for a function on Saturday night, so I was getting my ribbons organized so I could attach them properly. In the Marine Online system, it says I don’t rate the National Defense Medal. The only qualification for the NDM is being on active duty during wartime. As I was on active duty during the Gulf War and the Iraq War, I rate two of them.
Funny though — Marine Online says have a Combat Action Ribbon. In other words, the computer thinks I was in combat during wartime, but during combat I was not on active duty, and thus I do not rate the NDM. Hmm….

Categorized as Personal