Odds & Ends: April 2005 Archives

No surprise here: B16 is one of us cat people.

Hugh Hewitt, currently a fallen-away Catholic (the doors are still open, my friend!), links to my conversion story that Catholic Answers published six years ago. Hugh refutes a sneering Tina Brown article implying that religious people have never encountered Mozart. I would love to corner Ms. Brown and ask her what her three favorite Mozart pieces are, and why.

(If you want to read my conversion story, it's here.)

Some notes


So we are all sedevacantists now!

Not only will Pope John Paul's successor have a difficult act to follow, the papacy itself has been made into a bigger job by the long-vigorous and much-traveled polyglot Pope.

What? Who?

On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.

Richard Chonak

John Schultz

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