Food: March 2005 Archives

Starting a museum of holy food?

A casino has bought a BVM-shaped pretzel for $10K. This is the same outfit that bought a grilled-cheese sandwich with a resemblance to an image of Our Lady.

Nobody's offered me anything for this sandwich of Fr. Sibley, but maybe I should keep it a little longer:

Y'know, I think I've figured out what they're doing. They spend $10K and get a lot of free mentions in the news. It's probably a reasonable price for a media buy. They don't need to do anything with the actual item they've bought. Maybe shellac it and keep it in the office. Besides, they're an Internet casino; they may not even have a place where they could display anything.

What? Who?

On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.

Richard Chonak

John Schultz

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