Controversies: December 2006 Archives

Episcopal Spine Alert!


Bravo to the French bishops who called their country's Muscular Dystrophy organization on the carpet, just days before its national telethon, for spending donors' contributions on destructive embryo research.

Merry Christmas, Governor Blunt

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Missouri Governor Matt Blunt has told state employees that it's okay to use the C-word this month:

To ensure that there is no confusion regarding our state policy I am directing that each of you inform all members of your department that they should feel at ease using traditional holiday phrases, including "Merry Christmas" and they should have no fear of official reprisal.

I will never understand why some people get offended when other people wish them a Merry Christmas. If somebody wished me a Happy Hannukah or a Submissive Ramadan or whatever, I'd just smile and say, "Thanks." I might not celebrate those holidays, but I'm glad to have people wish me well, whatever the occasion.

What? Who?

On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.

Richard Chonak

John Schultz

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This page is an archive of entries in the Controversies category from December 2006.

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